Seeing impact from my training!

Nothing brings me more joy than receiving tweets, emails and messages from teachers who share some incredible work they have produced after being inspired by ideas from my blog or my CPD!

I only ever ask that teachers give me a little shout out whenever they do share and publish work children have done using some of my ideas and most do, which means I can proudly share, RT and comment!

One of the most popular ideas which is adapted in lots of classrooms is the work we did based on the film Blackfish and the awareness video we created that sparked an amazing project and fantastic writing -

You can read more about what we did here. 

It is great to see how other schools have used this idea and where it has taken them! I published a guest blog post from Nick Vose which led to his class visiting parliament in London - READ HERE

Simon Hunt and his class at Devonshire Road Primary School created this video -

Their work was featured in the local paper - Read here and even received a personalised message from the local MP and NOW are off to speak to the European parliament! READ HERE!

Other schools have used the same approach with different subjects. Kingsleigh Primary School in Bournemouth did some work based on Mali the Elephant - 

Again their work was featured in the local newspaper - READ HERE

Luke Rees, a teacher in Bristol looked at endangered animals with his class and again created a lovely video that inspired some great work - READ HERE  and see it on the Literacy Shed.

So a MASSIVE thank you to all the teachers who make everything I do worthwhile by sharing the fantastic work your children do!

If you have found inspiration and created some fabulous work from ideas on this blog or training, make sure you give me a little shout and share either on twitter or Facebook and I will add it on here. 


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