Using Back to the Future to Start our Next Topic!

Ok, I am a day late! However, I was only able to work with Year 3 today so today was our Back to the Future day. I decided to link this with Year 3's next topic 'Ancient Egypt.' They will be starting this topic next half term so today we created a story where we travelled on the Delorean to Ancient Egypt.

To do this, we used the new comic feature in Book Creator along with Pic Collage! The children loved being able to create such a professional looking comic. These will be printed and stuck at the front of their new topic books!

Here are some of their examples -

In year 1 we used the same tool in Book Creator to retell the class story of Beegu! What I love about the new comic feature in Book Creator is that comics can now have more multimedia attached to it. This is perfect for younger children, who may not be able to type but can still tell their story by adding audio or video to their comic! 

Here is their eBook comic -

For me, the comic feature in Book Creator makes this the go-to app when it comes to storyboarding children's writing. Previously, I had put images together in Pic Collage and then added this into Book Creator as these examples show -

The fact that children can attach audio to each frame of their comic can be such a powerful tool to help when writing the story. In the new curriculum, the following objective is part of every year group up to year 4 -
En4/3.3b    Draft and write by composing and rehearsing sentences orally (including dialogue), progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures
By planning a story through a comic in Book Creator and orally recording what they will write and attaching this to the comic, children have a multimedia storyboard to hand, which will then aid and support the children when putting pen to paper.

For more quality ideas for using comics to help inspire children's writing, check out @InspiredMind5 and his fantastic book -


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