Using drama to develop the "Show not Tell" technique in writing.
The other day I came across this image shared on twitter by @shaunh0pper : Love this for developing writing. — shaun hopper (@shaunh0pper) January 24, 2014 It got me thinking about how I could enhance this idea using drama and the iPads. I decided to have a go at creating our own Show and Tell digital display. The year 2 class have been thinking a lot about character descriptions and how we can improve our writing. We started by looking at this picture: We discussed that every row demonstrates a different emotion. We then looked at which emotion each row displays. We tried to explain how we knew the character was happy/sad/scared/nervous and this led us to think that if we explain how a character is acting it will then show how that character feels. I came across the "Show not Tell technique," in Alan Peat's Improving Story Writing book. The idea is that it is more effective to show how a character acts, rather than simply sta...