Talking about our Dream Jobs on the iPad

One of our topics in Year 1 is '9-5,' where children learn all about different jobs. During the topic, I was working with a Year 1 class and tried to utilise the iPad to really bring this topic to life.

Here are some of the lessons and ideas we did through the topic -

As part of the topic, the children went on a trip to the local Krispy Kreme store. The children created recounts using the app Flipagram. I have previously blogged about using Flipagram in the classroom here.

The next session, the children went around the school interviewing different members of staff to find out about what their job entails. To demonstrate what they had learnt, they animated pictures of the staff using the app Morfo. It didn't do the staff any justice but was a fantastic speaking and listening activity for children to share their learning.

The next session, we looked at what we wanted to be when we grow up. Using the app Pic Collage, we edited pictures to show what our dream jobs will be in the future. Using the app, Animoto, we put all the pictures into a lovely slideshow - 

In the next session, the children used their images as a background to create a Tellagami presentation explaining all about the job, why they want to do it and what they have to do to become one. Another fantastic speaking and listening lesson that children really enjoyed -

Through the use of iPads we were able to really enhance learning during this topic. 

If you are interested in how to make the most of modern technology to enhance learning across the curriculum, Mr P can help with high quality CPD and INSET training. More information here -


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