An interactive Advent Calendar
Today with Year 1 and 2, we created our own digital Advent Calendars! After discussing the idea behind Advent, I explained to the children that we would be making a digital Advent Calendar and one that everyone can use and enjoy. We started by discussing what could be behind each door on our calendar. As a class, we decided to share some facts we knew about Christmas. Children were given time to come up with as many facts about everything to do with Christmas. We then listed these on the board. Using Pic Collage , the children then created a picture with all the numbers needed for the countdown to Christmas. Once they had created their picture, they saved this to the camera roll. The children then opened the app, ThingLink, which is a free app and web tool that makes your images interactive. There is so much potential to this app in many areas of the curriculum, and I have used this previously here and here . From the iPad app, children can add text or videos on top of t...