Uplevelling Point System - Making Children Reflective Writers
After stumbling across the brilliant @deputymitchell 's Punctuation points , I felt obliged to share a similar approach I have used with my classes for the past couple of years. After a year or so of using Big Writing, I started to think about the whole writing process . It was advised that the next Big Writing session children should be given time to read back on their work, look at the comments and as a class decide on some “goal scorers.” This is a good way of revising but I felt it wasn't enough, also if it was a whole week or two later, the activity is long forgotten by the children. I am sure if you ask any author they will always say that the revising and editing part of writing is possibly the most important. But how can we teach this and instill a reflective approach in children? Timed writing sessions don’t provide this quality time to reflect on your writing. It led me to make a resource which I have found invaluable ever since. I in...