Exploring our own Jurassic World!

Last week, I blogged about working with a class and writing our own guides to Jurassic World using this website -


You can read the blog post and see some of the children's guides here.

Since the release of the film Jurassic World, the website has updated to collate with the events of the film!

Today we continued to use the theme of Dinosaurs with some narrative writing. We first started by exploring the app Dino Park VR.

This free app works best with a Google Cardboard headset, but will also work in 2D mode on an iPad. You can read more about Virtual Reality by reading this blog post and this blog post. 

The app takes children on a short tour of a virtual dinosaur park and allows them to take a full 360 degree view of the surroundings. Children were instantly immersed in this world and discussed what they could see, hear etc. 

Using the record feature on Airserver, I recorded one of the journeys the children went on in the app. This was shared and used as the background in Doink Greenscreen. The children then filmed themselves as if they were walking around the park, reacting to the environment. 

This was all filmed in our newly developed media suite. The finished video was then viewed by the children and inspired some amazing writing. 

The children had to try and make their writing fit the video and so this added a slight constraint which helped keep the children focused and to the point. 

They then recorded themselves narrating their writing over their video in iMovie to create a fantastic finished digital story. They were so proud of their efforts and can't wait to share them so PLEASE comment on their work so I can inspire them further, thanks!

Tomorrow we will be using green screen but in a different way, hopefully bringing some dinosaurs into the playground! Watch this space!


  1. Wow!!! What an amazing day you have all had in Jurassic World! Love the walk-throughs. You are all so brave. I wish I had a day like that (I was stuck on maths course: would much rather have been experiencing the thrills and spills of Jurassic World like you did). Wonderful sentences used in your speeches and a fantastic range of vocabulary. Well done! Can't wait for the updates!

    Mr. Felton

  2. What fantastic language you've used in these videos. It made me feel the emotions you were feeling, especially when escaping from the T-Rex!! I can't wait to share these with my class!


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