Alan Peat presents....Using Technology to Enhance the New Curriculum - 27th February 2015 Flintshire

Thanks to all that came to the conference on Friday in Flintshire. I had a great day sharing ideas and strategies to enhance the new curriculum using technology. Thank you all for the fantastic feedback!

35 Evaluations

34 rated the content of the speaker as excellent
1 rated the content of the speaker as good
34 rated the delivery of the speaker as excellent
1 rated the delivery of the speaker as good


"Relevant, Real, Inspiring!"
"Honestly one of the best courses i've ever been on. Only wish i had a class, so i could put all this into practice on Monday! (Might borrow one!)Inspiring and entertaining. Children in your class are very lucky!"
"Excellent delivery - fun, lively, engaging and someone who is passionate and can make learning fun. Excellent course. Very useful!"
"Loved it, really enjoyable. Thank you!"
"Super entertaining course with very useful content!"
"Brilliant course, full of excellent ideas, escecially as i dont have iPads but was still relevant. Thank you!"
"Superb information- apps, ideas for learning, teaching assessment, feedback, literacy, numeracy - all through the enhancement of ICT that will inspire pupils and especially boys."
"This training needs to be cascaded throughout North Wales eg: Cluster Inset days, more training days in North Wales venues. All schools in North Wales and everywhere else need to recieve this training." 
 "Very practical, real examples to use and to inspire learning. Great Course :)" 
"Not contrived - technology truely enhancing learning and not just ticking a box. All teachers should have this perspective of using IT. Its not about not having time to embed 'yet another initiative', its about streamlining what you teach, getting rid of what doesnt work and focus on what will inspire and motivate your children.Excellent. I'll keep an eye out for the next course!" 
"Excellent ideas to use straight away" 
"Fantastic course with lots of ideas to share with the staff at school. Will hopefully find that the staff are enthused when i lead a staff meeting to feedback. Love the idea of using Angry Birds as a stimulus." 
"Very light hearted approach to the topic and delivered in a fun way. Really enjoyed it and found very useful. Thank you for a really good day. I will try some of the apps i have not yet used.Entertaining and inspiring, fast paced." 
"Tremendous course. Confirmed that i'm in the right trade. I just need to get time to do it all. Thank you!" 
"Very informative, lots of ideas explained visually and enthusiastically. Inspirational and incredible!" 
"Excellent course. Fast paced but lots of ideas. Feeling inspired to have a go." 
"Inspirational ideas! I'll use some of the ideas to start me off and then progress from there!" 
"Very inspiring, loads of useful ideas. Thoroughly enjoyed the course!" 
"Fantastic ideas to take back to my school. Many Thanks.I have been truly inspired! Already set up a twitter account! Thank you!" 
"Fabulous course, Thank you." 
"Excellent ideas which we can try out at school." 
 "Really good inspiring ideas. Children will love the ideas in class." 
"Full of practical ideas that are applicable for school. Thank you very much :)" 
"Lots of fab ideas. Great practical things that can be used. Really inspired to do stuff in class." 
"Excellent ideas using a variety of apps ro enhance learning. Some brilliant ideas utilising ipad apps for assessment in the classroom." 
"Fantastic ideas to motivate/engage pupils in the classroom.Very inspirational, loads of ideas to implement within school." 
"A fantastic course. Things that i can do with my class and colleagues instantly, that will make a huge difference." 
"Friday Night = iPad night!!! Such a lot to look at and test with my own kids! Thanks!" 
"Fantastic day with lots of new ideas. Inspirational day, cant wait to try out all the new ideas in the classroom. I know this will bring my planning to life. Thank you!" 
"An inspiration! I have followed your blog for a long time. Great to see it all come to life! Fantastic ideas i cant wait to get back to school. Thank you!" 
"Very knowledgable and enthusiastic speaker. Ideas which can be used in school." 


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