Create instant writing prompts using PhotoFunia

PhotoFunia is a great free app and website that allows to take a photo and really jazz it up!

With over 350 different effects you can transform a simple picture into a work of art or display a picture on an advertising billboard!

Some of the effects include pictures, others just text and some are a combination of the two.

The professional finish to these effects can provide a stimulus that children will believe is real, leading to some really effective and purposeful writing. There are some limitations - for example - you cannot add any punctuation marks into the text, so choose your words wisely!

Here are a few ways in which you can use this app in the classroom -

Create a headline to inspire writing.
Tell the class you took this picture this morning while you were having your breakfast. Share some of the facts from the article. Allow the children to then write the newspaper report, or write a first person recount as the person who made the discovery.
Work in pairs and use hot seating to interview the witness.
Write a description of the artefact, what if it was haunted? Write a spooky tale about it haunting the school.
Lots of opportunities to then use other iPad apps to develop ideas.

If your school won the lottery, what would the children want the money spent on?
Could they come up with a proposal list and budget?
Write a letter to the Headteacher proposing what the money should be spent on.
Can they map out a new playground? design a new classroom?

This image was made by @Redgierob after reading a previous post here.

Children could write descriptions about the day aliens landed.
This can be linked with this previous iPad lesson.
Children can write in role as the aliens, visiting Earth and the school for the first time - what would they think? Could they come up with different names for objects?

There are loads of other effects you can use! Here are a few other ways in which you can use PhotoFunia in class -

When children draw, paint or create pieces of art work, use the app to create the illusion that the piece of art is being displayed in an Art gallery.

Children will love to see pictures as if their work is being displayed in different Art Galleries.

If you have an assembly, performance or show coming up, create an effect like this to share via twitter or Facebook with parents.

If the children have created an animation or film on their iPad, create a similar image as the opening titles for their film.
Do you have a star of the week? Publicise their achievement by creating the effect of the news being featured in a magazine! This could be the "Super Pupils," "Best children weekly," or something along those lines to make the child feel that the reward is being shared and valued.

This next example was made through the website - as the app doesn't allow the video effects to work on the iPad.

But this is an animated effect which allows you to choose some of your favourite examples of writing and turn them into a book. This could be a great way to showcase the writers of the week!

These are just a few examples of the 350+ effects available on the app or website. Not all the effects would be usable in class but if you have any other ideas please let me know in the comments below.

Here was an idea shared by @larnawhatwhat on twitter. This will be used with her Roald Dahl unit of work -


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